Posts tagged RSO
Episode 355: Celebrating 10 Years Cancer Free After Being Given A Few Months To Live

This month marks the 10th anniversary of co-host Corrie Yelland being officially declared cancer-free after being given 2 to 4 months to live with anal canal cancer. She refused radiation because of the horrendous side effects. Luckily, fate intervened when her sister got her to watch the Rick Simpson video "Run from the Cure" and, with the help of friends, she started taking cannabis oil. When she got the "all clear" diagnosis 10 years ago, she dedicated her life to helping others. This podcast is a must listen to hear the story of this remarkable woman.

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Episode 243: Cannabis is Reversing the Devastating Long Term Effects of Her Chemo Treatments

Twila was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 34 and underwent a bilateral mastectomy, a hysterectomy and 6 months of chemotherapy. Five years later, the long term effects of chemotherapy caused several debilitating ailments. She says cannabis oil saved her life.

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Episode 242: Sent Home To Die With 64 Cancerous Tumors, He's Now Cancer Free

Jaycob Davis was 28 years old when he was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma that had metastasized throughout his body. Conventional treatments were unsuccessful and doctors sent him home to die. He started with cannabis oil (RSO) and ended up losing 100 pounds, but better than that, was recently declared cancer free!

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Episode 241: Her 20 Brain Tumors Are Gone, But Now She's Fighting Lung Cancer

At age 51 Sherri was diagnosed with 20 brain tumors and doctors gave her just a couple of weeks to live. Her husband desperately researched solutions and found out about cannabis oil. Using it helped her eradicate all the brain tumors, but now she's facing another battle: lung cancer. Can cannabis save her again?

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Episode 238: Maria's Breast Cancer Survival Story

When diagnosed with breast cancer after a mammogram, Maria was given the usual options: chemo, radiation and surgery. She did have surgery but chose a natural route with cannabis after discovering our podcast and hearing about other breast cancer success stories. Today she is healthier and happier than ever.

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