Posts tagged pain
Episode 332: Pain And Depression Led To His Suicide Attempt

His doctors could not find the source of his debilitating pain and depression that plagued him since childhood. It got so bad that Keith Muehlman of St. Louis took an overdose of pills to escape his anguish. When that didn't work he started researching alternative treatments and began taking CBD oil. He got relief but not until he also began adding THC did he finally find the antidote to his pain. Today, thanks to cannabis, Keith tells us he is pain free.

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Episode 285: Cannabis Relieved Her Painful Degenerative Disc Disease

Monica from Wisconsin no longer needs to take pharmaceutical pain medication for her degenerative disc disease thanks to cannabis. She's also getting relief from her irritable bowel syndrome and a bonus is the hot flashes she suffered from are gone too. She says she now has her life back. Her husband was so impressed that he too started taking cannabis for relief of some of his issues.

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