Posts in Podcast
Episode 360: A Tragic Diving Accident Left Him A Paraplegic

While out with friends in 1990, Mark Mathew Braunstein jumped into a pool of water that resulted in a spinal cord injury that left him a paraplegic. As a result of his injury, he suffers spasms that are alleviated with the use of cannabis. Besides being the state of Connecticut's poster child for the legalization of medical marijuana from 1997 until its passage into law in 2012, Mark is a prolific writer, having written several books on health and dieting and he has some very interesting tidbits from his new book "Mindful Marijuana Smoking."

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Episode 359: She Cleared Herself Of Stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma

In March of 2020, Rhian Barnes of Wales was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma, which was in her bones, bone marrow, blood and elsewhere. Additionally, she also suffered from osteoporosis of the spine. She underwent several treatments of chemotherapy but she feels it was the cannabis oil that cleared her cancer and she is now cancer free and taking a maintenance dose of the oil.

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Episode 358: Free Of Lung Cancer For 6 Years

When David Price of New Brunswick, Canada was diagnosed with lung cancer 6 years ago, he refused chemo and radiation and began taking cannabis paste. In only 10 weeks his lung cancer was gone and he has been cancer free ever since. We first interviewed David 6 years ago and in this interview he gives us an update and talks about the amazing healing properties of cannabis.

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Episode 357: An Update From Woman Whose Brain Surgeon Threw Away Part of Her Skull

The doctor not only threw part of her skull in the trash, but for some inexplicable reason he also failed to remove her brain tumor. The tumor and a cyst were blocking the spinal fluid going to her brain. This left Shanie Cognevich of New Orleans with a MRSA staph infection, brain damaged, legally blind and disabled. She was bedridden and, by her own admission, she was dying. But with the use of cannabis she got a new lease on life. A truly remarkable story!

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Episode 356: Her Brain Tumor Is Gone And She's Cancer Free!

When she was diagnosed with brain cancer in the summer of 2017, Sheriann Baker of Toronto opted for surgery to remove the tumor. But the surgeons could not get it all and had to leave 3 percent. When she refused chemo and radiation, she was told she had roughly two years to live. But Sheriann had other ideas. She started taking cannabis oil, changed her diet, and is now cancer free—5 years later.

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Episode 355: Celebrating 10 Years Cancer Free After Being Given A Few Months To Live

This month marks the 10th anniversary of co-host Corrie Yelland being officially declared cancer-free after being given 2 to 4 months to live with anal canal cancer. She refused radiation because of the horrendous side effects. Luckily, fate intervened when her sister got her to watch the Rick Simpson video "Run from the Cure" and, with the help of friends, she started taking cannabis oil. When she got the "all clear" diagnosis 10 years ago, she dedicated her life to helping others. This podcast is a must listen to hear the story of this remarkable woman.

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Episode 354: Cannabis Cleared Her Breast Cancer And Helped Her MS

When she was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago, Christine Righeimer of Wisconsin knew immediately that she was going to use cannabis oil as a treatment. Starting on the oil in January of this year, she received the all clear for her breast cancer a few weeks ago. One of the surprising benefits of using cannabis oil was the improvement in some of her MS symptoms, an ailment she has had for many years that made it difficult for her to walk.

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Episode 353: Given A Few Weeks To Live, And Now Cancer Free!

In February of this year, 83 year old Garrey Wooldridge of British Columbia, Canada, was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer and stage 4 lung cancer and given two weeks to a month to live. He refused conventional medical treatment and instead opted for cannabis oil. Because of his dire situation, he began taking two grams a day via suppository. Just a few weeks ago, he was declared cancer free and is out golfing, fishing and camping. Listen to his truly remarkable recovery story as told by his daughter Tami Kamai.

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Episode 352: Cannabis Put Her Rare Autoimmune Disease Into Remission

In 2001, she was only the 5th person in Canada to be diagnosed with Vogt Koyanagi Harada syndrome, which is a rare disorder of unknown origin that affects many body systems including the eyes, ears, skin and the covering of the brain and spinal cord. At the time, Pamela Horesay, of Fort Simpson in the Northwest Territories, was only 21. Over the years, she was taking numerous medications to deal with her symptoms, particularly severe eye issues. But in 2012, she began smoking cannabis and it unexpectedly put her disease into remission. What an inspiring story!

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Episode 351: Cannabis is Helping With His Painful Rheumatoid Arthritis

When he was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in early 2020, Dusty Lind of South Dakota had trouble walking and pouring himself a glass of water. His feet were swollen and purple and he could not close his fingers to make a fist. With dietary changes, the use of occasional prescription medications, and the use of cannabis, his painful joints are less so and he is steadily improving.

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Episode 350: She's Cancer Free After a 12-Year Battle With Recurring Cancer

Since 2010, Joanna Lederman of New York has been battling a rare form of cancer called liposarcoma, which is a malignant tumor that develops in the fatty tissue and can spread to the vital organs. During that period she has had it four times, including in 2016 when she was pregnant. After it recurred again in August of last year, she declined conventional treatment and opted for dietary changes and cannabis oil. Recently, she was given the all clear. This is a truly inspirational story.

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Episode 349: How To Grow Cannabis For Beginners

One of Colorado's expert growers takes you through the step-by-step process of growing your own cannabis. Sean Cavagnaro is a master cannabis grower with over 15 years of experience in the cannabis industry. He helped build one of Colorado's first legal medical marijuana grows, managing and operating a 10,000 square foot indoor facility. He currently is focused on growing hemp and operating his new CBD company.

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Episode 348: Diagnosed With Stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma - One Month Later He's All Clear

When he went to the doctor earlier this year with a fever and swollen lumps on his neck, Scott Menzies from Scotland was given tests and later told it could be cancer or HIV. Another doctor told him it was just pneumonia and prescribed antibiotics. In late March he went in for a lymph node biopsy and was advised he had stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma. While undergoing some conventional treatment, Scott changed his diet and began consuming cannabis oil. Twenty-nine days later a scan showed no evidence of disease.

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Episode 347: Doctors Told Single Parent She Had No Hope With Stage 4 Breast Cancer

In March of 2021, Becky Butt of Newfoundland, Canada was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer only to be told two months later that she had stage 4 breast cancer that had metastasized to her liver. Doctors said there was "no hope" and she had 5 years to live at most. A single parent with a 9 year old daughter at the time, Becky took her health into her own hands, changed her diet, lost 50 pounds, and started taking cannabis oil. Today, there's no evidence of disease.

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Episode 346: He's Now Cancer Free After Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer

After being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the Fall of 2021, Bob and his wife Tami from the U.S. decided to do everything they could to make him well again. Bob underwent 12 rounds of chemotherapy but he also started taking cannabis oil by suppository, working up to a gram a day. Additionally, he changed his diet and started taking supplements. Bob's doctor "didn't know how to explain it" when he got the all clear several weeks ago. No sign of cancer. This is an emotional, good news story that's worth the time to listen.

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Episode 345: The Large Cancerous Tumour in her Chest is Gone

When Kelly Doering was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma, the tumour in her chest had grown to 14.5 centimeters, which is almost 6 inches. She was living in Wisconsin at the time but decided to move to Colorado and use cannabis to deal with her health issue. While she did undergo 5 rounds of chemotherapy, she attributes cannabis for her recent diagnosis of "no evidence of disease."

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Episode 344: Relief From Chronic Pain and Opioid Addiction

Over the course of his life, Sam Smith from Illinois has had 14 back surgeries—the first occurring when he was in high school. Subsequent work-related back issues resulted in a series of surgeries between 2012 and 2016 and got him hooked on excessive quantities of opioids for pain. However, with the use of cannabis oil, he kicked his opioid addiction in several months and lost more than 100 pounds.

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Episode 343: She's Using Cannabis Oil For Stage 4 Lung Cancer

When she was diagnosed in late 2019 with stage 4 lung cancer that had metastasized to her bones, chest, legs and lymph nodes, her oncologist said she had 6 to 12 months to live. But several months later she was told she had a genetic mutation and that 50% of people with this condition live for 5 years. Jay Jay (who doesn't want her real name used) from Ontario, Canada is using cannabis oil to help her deal with her condition.

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Episode 342: She Credits Cannabis Oil With Saving Her Life

While working as a nurse, Deborah Rauh of Oregon suffered a shoulder injury that resulted in her arm turning purple. It was the result of her sympathetic nervous system getting mixed signals, causing severe, continuous pain. She became handicapped and, with her oxygen level dropping, her doctor told her she was going to die. In this episode, Deborah also talks about her husband's traumatic brain injuries following 5 separate accidents and his developing Parkinson's. The only thing that helped to improve their conditions was cannabis oil.

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Episode 341: She Was Severely Injured and Traumatized From A Mass Shooting

While out with friends in April of 2001, a disgruntled customer stormed into a bar shooting wildly, killing two people and injuring 17 others. Dana Smith of Illinois was one of the injured, suffering a leg wound that required two titanium plates and 12 screws in her right leg. The emotional impact of this horrific incident resulted in her contemplating suicide. "I wanted to crawl into a hole and die," she said. In this episode, Dana talks about how she and her husband (who underwent 14 spinal surgeries due to a work accident) used cannabis to turn their lives around.

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